Priemyselné prevody s veľmi veľkou záťažou a opakovanými nárazmi. Prispôsobený náročným podmienkam: cementárne, hutníctvo železa a ocele, bane, drvenie...
Industrial gears under very high loads and repeated shocks. Adapted to severe conditions: cement plants, iron and steel industry, mines, crushing…
Industrial gears under very high loads and repeated shocks. Adapted to severe conditions: cement plants, iron and steel industry, mines, crushing…
Industrial gears under very high loads and repeated shocks. Adapted to severe conditions: cement plants, iron and steel industry, mines, crushing…
Industrial gears under very high loads and repeated shocks. Adapted to severe conditions: cement plants, iron and steel industry, mines, crushing…
Industrial gears under very high loads and repeated shocks. Adapted to severe conditions: cement plants, iron and steel industry, mines, crushing…