TotalEnergies KASSILLA GMP 320
Segment(y) trhu :Oceliarstvo, Energetika/ Výroba Energia, Chémia, Výroba potravín, Textil, Automobilová výroba (OEM), Drevo a papier, Cement a stavebné materiály, Baníctvo (banské, povrchové)
Aplikácie :Uzavreté prevody
Viskozita :ISO VG 320
Popis produktu:
Very high anti-wear and extreme-pressure properties due to the presence of graphite and molybdenum disulphide: better oil film resistance ensuring greater protection for heavily loaded gears exposed to substantial shocks and against wear due to "micropitting".

Very high oxidation resistance: longer oil bath life.

Lower energy consumption.
Normy a schválenia
Medzinárodné klasifikácie
  1. AGMA 9005-F16 AS
  2. DIN 51502 CLP
  3. DIN 51517-3 CLP
  4. ISO 12925-1 CKD
  5. ISO 12925-1 CKE
  6. ISO 6743-6 CKE
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