TotalEnergies BIOMULTIS EP 1
Mallisto :BIO
Markkinasegmentit :Maatalous / Puutarhanhoito, Meren
Käyttökohteet :Suojaus, Yleinen sovellus, Rullalaakerit, Biohajoava tuote
Viskositeetti :NLGI 1
Tuotteen kuvaus:
Due to its multipurpose character, BIOMULTIS EP 1 may replace a wide range of greases, allowing stock rationalization and simplification of maintenance.

Forms a durable lubrication film with a good resistance to water and variation of temperature resulting in reduction of maintenance and down-time costs.

Miscible with most other conventional soap greases.

BIOMULTIS EP 1 does not contain lead, or other heavy metals considered harmful to human health and the environment.

BIOMULTIS EP 1 is an ultimately biodegradable grease, with low toxicity to aquatic organisms and contains more than 50% of renewable raw materials.
Luokitukset ja hyväksynnät
Kansainväliset luokitukset
  1. 2
  2. DIN 51502 KP2K-30
  3. ISO 6743-9:L-XCEEB 2
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