Az ART (Age Resistance Technology) TOTAL QUARTZ INEO R-PLUS 5W-30 egy fejlett formula, amely megerősíti a motorolaj antioxidáns tulajdonságait, így magas szintű védelmet nyújt az iszapképződés ellen.
Post-treatment defoamer for soluble metalworking fluids.
ELF EVOLUTION FULL-TECH DID 5W-30 is a very high performance lubricant using ELF Advanced Synthetic Technology intended for lubrication of Gasoline and Diesel car engines. ELF EVOLUTION FULL-TECH DID 5W-30 is particularly suitable for Volkswagen TDI direct injection Diesel engines fitted with pump-injector.
High performance, fuel economy lubricant especially developed for earthmoving, mining and quarries machinery engines
A Quartz Ineo Xtra EC6 0W-20 egy kiváló teljesítményű, fejlett szintetikus motorolaj, amelyet a prémium autógyártók legújabb generációs motorjaihoz terveztek.
RUBIA WORKS 5000 10W-40 is especially suitable for engines used in earthmoving activities (quarrying, constructions, mining…). This lubricant withstands very long working periods under severe conditions and high load, with dust and heat.
Lubricates the Diesel engines of latest generation, applies in all hydraulic systems, lubricates the gearboxes. This product can also be used in all seasons due to its high viscosity index. Allows to strongly decrease the lubricant number needed for the whole vehicle park maintenance
Fully synthetic low-SAPS diesel engine oil with Fuel Economy technology based on the latest API CK 4 specification, suitable for on-road heavy-duty applications.
Synthetic technology low-SAPS lubricant oil based on the latest API CK 4 specification, suitable for use in all on-road diesel and gas heavy-duty engines.
Motorolaj dízelüzemű- és benzines motorok közúti alkalmazásához (nagy igénybevételű járművek és személygépkocsik).