TotalEnergies MULTIS HP 2 MOLY
Rozsah :MULTIS
Segment(y) trhu :Stavebné zariadenia a ťažba
Aplikácie :Plastické mazivá
Viskozita :ISO VG 460
Popis produktu:
- MULTIS HP 2 MOLY is especially designed to handle the lubrication demands of equipment used in the mining industry. It is recommended for slow moving plain and heavily loaded rolling element bearings subject to shock loads and high temperature.

- MULTIS HP 2 MOLY is an extreme pressure and anti-wear grease containing 5% of solid additives consisting of 3% MoS2 and special friction modifiers to boost the perfomances of the grease during operations.

- MULTIS HP 2 MOLY has also exceptional adhesive performances and extended service capabilities.

- MULTIS HP 2 MOLY demonstrates excellent pumpability to ensure adequate lubrication of all parts of the equipment for a wide range of temperature, especially in cold severe conditions.
Normy a schválenia
Medzinárodné klasifikácie
  1. DIN 51502 KP2K-25
  2. ISO 6743-9:L-XBCHB 2
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