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DTFR 15C100
9 Proizvodi
RUBIA OPTIMA 1100 15W-40 visual
RUBIA OPTIMA 1100 15W-40

Mineral lubricant for diesel engines, suitable for use in on road applications, based onthe latest CK-4 specification.

RUBIA WORKS 4000 15W-40 visual
RUBIA WORKS 4000 15W-40

Very high performance lubricant especially designed for engines used in earthmoving activities (quarries, construction, mining, railroads…) requesting API CK-4 or CJ-4 level.

TRACTAGRI HDZ FE 10W-30 visual

"Low-SAPS" motorno ulje posebno razvijeno za motore koji se koriste u traktorima i poljoprivrednoj mehanizaciji, sa ili bez filtera za čestice kod dizel motora (DPF). Njegova tehnologija za uštedu goriva (eng. Fuel Economy) pomaže pri uštedi 4% goriva, u poređenju sa mazivom SAE 40 stepena kao referentnim. Ova vrednost može da dosegne i do 6% ukoliko se ulje koristi u kombinaciji sa mazivom za transmisiju tehnologije za uštedu goriva TOTAL DYNATRANS VX FE.


Low SAPS" maziva veoma visokih performansi razvijeno za podmazivanje materijala koji se koriste na kopovima, u rudnicima ili kamenolomima, pruža značajnu uštedu u pogledu potrošnje goriva."

TRACTAGRI HDZ 10W-40 visual

Low-SAPS" motorno ulje posebno razvijeno za motore koji se koriste u traktorima i poljoprivrednoj opremi, sa ili bez filtera za čestice kod dizel motora (DPF)."

RUBIA OPTIMA 1100 FE 10W-30 visual

Synthetic technology Low SAPS lubricant for diesel engines, suitable for on-road heavy-duty applications, with Fuel Economy technology based on the latest CK-4 specification.

TRACTAGRI HDZ 15W-40 visual

Low-SAPS" ulja su posebno razvijena za motore koji se koriste u traktorima i poljoprivrednoj opremi, sa ili bez filtera za čestice kod dizel motora. Efikasno podmazivanje vrućih delova motora tokom ozbiljnih i dugih perioda rada, čak i tokom leta. Napredna "low-SAPS" formulacija TOTAL TRACTAGRI HDZ 15W-40 ulja pomaže sprečavanju začepljenja filtera za čestice kod dizel motora (DPF) i produžuje izdržljivost sistema za naknadnu preradu izduvnih gasova."

RUBIA WORKS 4000 10W-40 visual
RUBIA WORKS 4000 10W-40

RUBIA WORKS 4000 10W-40 is especially suitable for engines used in Off-Road activities (quarries, construction, mining, railroads…) requesting API CK-4 or CJ-4 level. Thanks to its numerous approvals, it can be used also in "On-road" truck engines. This lubricant withstands very long working periods under severe conditions and high load, with dust and heat

RUBIA WORKS 4000 FE 10W-30 visual
RUBIA WORKS 4000 FE 10W-30

TOTAL RUBIA WORKS 4000 FE 10W-30 is especially suitable for engines used in earthmoving activities (quarries, construction, mining…) requesting API CK-4 or CJ-4 level. Furthermore, thanks to its numerous approvals, it can be used also in "On-road" truck engines. This lubricant withstands very long working periods under severe conditions and high load, with dust and heat

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