RUBIA WORKS 5000 10W-40 je zvláště vhodný pro motory používané při zemních pracích (těžba, stavby, těžba…). Toto mazivo odolává velmi dlouhé pracovní době v náročných podmínkách a vysokém zatížení, prachu a horku.
Low-SAPS oil offering an opportunity of ultimate rationalization for Agricultural machinery
BIOTRAFFIC 5000 FE 10W-30 is dedicated to the lubrication of Diesel engines, with or without turbocharger, and especially for publics-works, agricultural and home-farming. It is also suitable in engines of heavy or light trucks, buses and passenger cars. BIOTRAFFIC 5000 FE 10W-30 is adapted to engines that meet pollution reduction standards Euro Stage IV or US EPA Tier 4F and lower emission standards.
Low-SAPS rationalization oil with Fuel Economy Technology for Agricultural machinery.
Very high performance, synthetic based low-SAPS diesel-engine oil, used in off-road heavy-duty applications with Fuel Economy technology.