Low Staining Bearing and gear oil for use in aluminium rolling mills
Multipurpose range for all machine tool parts depending on the viscosity of the lubricant: hydraulic, slideways, gears, spindle movements, feed and gear boxes.
Multipurpose range for all machine tool parts depending on the viscosity of the lubricant: hydraulic, slideways, gears, spindle movements, feed and gear boxes.
Multipurpose range for all machine tool parts depending on the viscosity of the lubricant: hydraulic, slideways, gears, spindle movements, feed and gear boxes.
Hydraulic systems operating in high temperature and pressure conditions. Bearings and miscellaneous devices
Lämmönsiirtoöljy Ilmatiiviisiin suljettuihin järjestelmiin.
Uuden sukupolven tuhkautumaton, dispergoiva yksiastemineraalivoiteluaine, joka on kehitetty erityisesti parantamaan lentokoneen mäntämoottorin kulumisenestoa ja korroosiosuojausta. Nämä öljyt sisältävät jo kulumisenestolisäainetta, joka vastaa TEXTRON Lycoming LW 16702 -ainetta.
ELF has gathered its know-how to develop this synthetic high-performance product. Designed to meet the specifications of the RENAULT, DACIA and ALPINE engines.
ELF has gathered its know-how to develop this synthetic high-performance product. Designed to meet the specifications of the RENAULT, DACIA and ALPINE engines.
ELF has gathered its know-how to develop this synthetic high-performance product. Designed to meet the specifications of the RENAULT, DACIA and ALPINE engines.
Advanced synthetic engine oil specially formulated to meet the recent ACEA and API international standards and technical requirements of vehicle manufacturers, such as BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen, or Porsche. This lubricant is suitable for the most severe conditions of use (door-to-door, sports driving, repeated start-ups, city and motorway driving). Its special formulation resists the most extreme variations in operating temperature. It is particularly well suited to all recent multi-valve engines equipped with turbochargers and direct injection. Its Low SAPS technology (Low Content in Sulphated Ash, Phosphorus and Sulphur) makes it the lubricant of choice for optimal operation of the latest-engine generation equipped with anti-pollutant devices.
Synteettisen teknologian moottoriöljy, joka on kehitetty bensiini- ja dieselmoottoreiden tiukkojen vaatimusten mukaiseksi. Etenkin turboahdettuihin, moniventtiilisiin ja suoraruiskutusmoottoreihin tarkoitettu öljy.Soveltuu vaikeisiin käyttöolosuhteisiin (moottoritiet, vilkas kaupunkiliikenne jne.) ja kaikkiin sääolosuhteisiin.Sopii täydellisesti kaikkiin FORD-ajoneuvoihin, joissa on katalysaattori