Synthetic engine oil specially formulated to meet the technical requirements German vehicle manufacturers. Particularly well suited to all recent multi-valve engines equipped with turbochargers and direct injection.
ELF EVOLUTION FULL-TECH LSX 5W-40 is a very high performance lubricant using ELF Advanced Synthetic Technology, intended for lubrication of Gasoline and Diesel car engines. ELF EVOLUTION FULL-TECH LSX 5W-40 was formulated to ensure compatibility with post-treatment systems. It is recommended for all recent engines, multivalve, and turbocharged, direct injection, with or without catalytic converter. It is particularly adapted to recent Mercedes-Benz and BMW vehicles equipped with a post-treatment systems, as well as to VW direct injection system. Suitable for the most difficult conditions of use (city, road, highway) and all dryving styles, particularly "vigorous" and high speeds.
Tüm benzinli ve dizel otomobil motorlarında kullanılmak için tasarlanmış sentetik teknolojiye sahip madeni yağ. Son işlem sonrası sistemlerle uyumluluğu sağlamak için özel olarak formüle edilmiştir.