Visoko zmogljivo motorno olje izdelano z Elf sintetično tehnologijo, ki je namenjeno za mazanje bencinskih motorjev. Še posebej prilagojeno novejšim vozilom FORD in GENERAL MOTORS.
Počasni zobniki. Zlasti zobniki na pečeh in drobilnikih.
Hlapna olja za hladno preoblikovanje z nizko vsebnostjo hlapnih ogljikovodikov (VOC).
Tekočina za avtomatske menjalnike nove generacije na osnovi napredne sintetične tehnologije, ki omogoča zelo dolge intervale menjave in zelo visoko zmogljivost za visoke zahteve avtomatskih menjalnikov težkih vozil.
Synthetic-Blend lubricant for diesel engines, suitable for use in on road applications, based on the latest CK-4 specification.
Particularly well-suited for use with the latest "Downsized" engines equipped with Stop & Start technologies and hybrid engines these oils are able to service a wide scope of engines thanks to the API and ISLAC sequences. Help to generate fuel savings without the need to change driving style and also suitable for the most demanding driving conditions (door-to-door, sporty driving styles, repeated start-ups, city and motorway driving). Meets all of the performance levels claimed by brands such as HONDA, TOYOTA and MITSUBISHI in relation to environmental standards.
High performance synthetic technology engine oil for passenger cars, exceeding the latest API SP and ILSAC GF-6A sequences and officially approved by GENERAL MOTORS and FORD. These oils have been developed for both gasoline and diesel passenger car engines not equipped with diesel particulate filters. These have a wide scope of application for Asian and American car models, from recent to older engine technologies. Fully backward compatible with the former API and ILSAC sequences, and can be used in a vast majority of vehicles, from the newest to the oldest ones. It can be used for various operating conditions (city traffic, road, motorways), and in all seasons.
TRANSTEC 5 is specifically designed for the lubrication of all gear boxes and axles requiring an API GL-5 level and a viscosity of SAE 75W-90 / 80W-90 / 85W-140.
TRANSTEC 5 is specifically designed for the lubrication of all gear boxes and axles requiring an API GL-5 level and a viscosity of SAE 80W-90.
High performance OAT coolant for use in stationary diesel and gas engines of all sizes
Mast za uporabo v razmerah visokih tlakov, visokih temperatur in težkih obremenitev. Priporočljiva za segment 0 v stiskalnicah kontiliva in stiskalnicah za peletiranje.
Visoke temperature in težke obremenitve, kot pri stiskalnicah za pelete. Primerno za mazanje ležajev, spojev, zobnikov, tirnic, odmičnih gredi, tesnil in druge sestavnih delov pod visoko obremenitvijo. Temperaturno območje je od −20 °C do najmanj 150 °C, vendar se AXA CO1 v primeru centralnega sistema mazanja lahko uporablja tudi do temperature 180 °C.