Quartz Ineo FDE 0W-30 s tehnologijo odpornosti proti staranju je visoko aditivirana formulacija, ki okrepi antioksidacijske lastnosti motornega olja in nudi izboljšano zaščito pred nastajanjem mulja, korozijo in obrabo zaradi trenja. To visoko zmogljivo sintetično motorno olje najnovejše generacije z izjemnimi lastnostmi varčevanja z gorivom je primerno za najnovejšo generacijo bencinskih in dizelskih motorjev, ki spoštujejo standarde EURO V in EURO VI. TOTAL QUARTZ INEO FDE 0W-30 je posebej oblikovano za odgovor na stroge potrebe najnovejših dizelskih motorjev FORD, ki zahtevajo mazivo 0W-30 in specifikacijo WSS-M2C950-A.
Quartz Ineo Long Life 0W-30 with Age-Resistance Technology is synthetic technology engine oil specially formulated to meet the severest ACEA standards and technical requirements of vehicle manufacturers. It ensures outstanding wear protection, strong durability and exceptional fuel economy performance whilst maintaining efficiency of emission systems in latest diesel and petrol engines of European vehicles requiring SAE 0W-30 viscosity grade. Quartz Ineo Long Life 0W-30 is specifically recommended for use in VW group vehicles that require a VW 504.00/507.00 specification lubricant.
Monograde Lubricant for fast & medium speed 4-stroke Diesel engines used in navigation.
ELF EVOLUTION FULL-TECH VSX 0W-20 is a very high performance lubricant using ELF Advanced Synthetic Technology intended for lubrication of Gasoline and Diesel car engines requiring SAE 0W-20 grade. ELF EVOLUTION FULL-TECH VSX 0W-20 was formulated to ensure compatibility with post-treatment systems. It meets the most recent ACEA and API standards and technical requirements of vehicles manufacturers like VOLKSWAGEN and PORSCHE.
TOTAL QUARTZ INEO LONG LIFE 0W-20 s tehnologijo za odpornost proti staranju (ART) je popolnoma sintetično motorno olje, posebej formulirano za najstrožje standarde ACEA tehnične zahteve proizvajalcev vozil. Zagotavlja izjemno zaščito pred obrabo, poudarjeno trajnost in odlično učinkovitost v gospodarni porabi goriva, pri čemer se ohranja učinkovitost sistemov emisije v najnovejših dizelskih in bencinskih motorjih evropskih vozil, za katere se zahteva razred viskoznosti (SAE 0W-20). TOTAL QUARTZ INEO LONG LIFE 0W-20 je zlasti priporočljiv za uporabo v vozilih skupine VW, za katera se zahteva mazivo v skladu s specifikacijo VW 508.00/509.00.
Lubricant for chains, cables and different mechanisms. Lubrication of chain from industrial devices and off-road machinery.
ELF EVOLUTION FULL-TECH C2 5W-30 is a very high performance lubricant using ELF Advanced Synthetic Technology intended for lubrication of passenger car engines. ELF EVOLUTION FULL-TECH C2 5W-30 was developed to ensure compatibility with post-treatment systems. It is suitable for all new diesel engines that meet Euro V and Euro VI emission reduction standards. Particularly suitable for newer vehicles equipped with a particulate filter. Suitable for the most difficult conditions of use (city, road, highway) and all dryving styles, especially sporty and high-speed in all seasons.
ELF EVOLUTION FULL-TECH LLX 0W-30 is a very high performance lubricant using ELF Advanced Synthetic Technology, intended for lubrication of Gasoline and Diesel car engines requiring SAE 0W-30 grade. ELF EVOLUTION FULL-TECH LLX 0W-30 was formulated to ensure compatibility with post-treatment systems. It meets ACEA C3 and technical requirements of such vehicles manufacturers like VOLKSWAGEN, PORSCHE, and BMW. It ensures excellent wear protection and fuel economy performance.
FLUIDMATIC 7S is a lubricant which has been developed for the latest generation of Mercedes-Benz 7-speed automatic transmissions (NAG 2) - MB 236.14
ISO VG 220 Chain oil for Loss lubrication of chainsaw and high speed machinery.
Mazanje z izgubo verig motornih žag in visokohitrostnih strojev.
Biodegradable ISO VG 100 Chain oil for Loss lubrication of chainsaw & fast machinery.