Motorno olje s sintetično tehnologijo ELF za bencinske in dizelske motorje avtomobilov in lahkih kombijev s prisilnim ali atmosferskim polnjenjem.
Olje za 4-taktne motorje
HI-PERF 4T 300 je kakovostno motorno olje za 4-taktne motorje motornih koles, ki zagotavlja odlično mazanje in zaščito vseh vitalnih delov motorja. Posledica tega je brezhibno delovanje motorja med priporočenimi intervali zamenjave olja.
Motorno olje, posebej priporočljivo za vsa 4-taktna motorna kolesa z ročnim menjalnikom.
Visokokakovostno mineralno motorno olje, posebej priporočljivo za vse vrste motornih koles s 4-taktnimi motorji z ročnim menjalnikom.
Mazivo, posebej priporočljivo za vsa 4-taktna motorna kolesa z ročnim menjalnikom.
Hi-Perf 4T 300 20W-40 is a quality 4-stroke engine oil for motorcycles which provides great lubrication and protection to all vital parts of the engine. This results in trouble-free performance of the engine between recommended drain intervals.
Hi-Perf 4T 300 20W-50 is a quality 4-stroke engine oil for motorcycles which provides great lubrication and protection to all vital parts of the engine. This results in trouble-free performance of the engine between recommended drain intervals.
TOTAL HI-PERF 4T 300 is a quality 4-stroke engine oil for motorcycles which provides great lubrication and protection to all vital parts of the engine. This results in trouble-free performance of the engine between recommended drain intervals.
TOTAL HI-PERF 4T 300 is a quality 4-stroke engine oil for motorcycles which provides great lubrication and protection to all vital parts of the engine. This results in trouble-free performance of the engine between recommended drain intervals.
TOTAL HI-PERF 4T 300 is a quality 4-stroke engine oil for motorcycles which provides great lubrication and protection to all vital parts of the engine. This results in trouble-free performance of the engine between recommended drain intervals.
Mineral lubricant for diesel engines recommended for all turbocharged or naturally-aspirated diesel engines of commercial vehicles (trucks, buses, vans, pick-ups, taxis...), public works and agricultural equipments requiring API CF-4 performance.