Motorno olje, posebej formulirano za dizelske in bencinske motorje vozil skupine BMW (uporaba v bencinskih motorjih je omejena le na evropske države). Zagotavlja učinkovitost v najzahtevnejših voznih razmerah (mestni promet, cesta, avtoceste). Primerno je za vse vrste vožnje, zlasti za športno, hitro in za celoletno vožnjo. Zaradi nizke vsebnosti fosforja, sulfatnega pepela in žvepla je ustrezen za zaščito sistemov za naknadno obdelavo, s čimer se zmanjšujejo emisije onesnaževal.
TOTAL QUARTZ INEO DYNAMICS 0W-30 with ART is synthetic technology engine oil specially formulated to meet the latest ACEA standards and technical requirements of vehicle manufacturers. Its high-performance formula is able to protect the engine from start-up, even in coldest conditions and reduce engine wear significantly. It ensures strong durability and exceptional fuel economy performance whilst maintaining efficiency of emission systems in latest diesel and petrol engines of European vehicles requiring SAE 0W-30 viscosity grade. TOTAL QUARTZ INEO DYNAMICS 0W-30 is specifically recommended for use in BMW group vehicles requiring compliance with BMW LL-12FE specification.