Sintetično motorno olje, posebej formulirano za izpolnitev tehničnih zahtev vozil proizvajalcev BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen in Hyundai Kia. Posebej je dobro prilagojen sodobnim večventilskim motorjem, ki so opremljeni s turbopuhali in neposrednim vbrizgavanjem. Zahvaljujoč tehnologiji z nizko vsebnostjo sulfatnega pepela, fosforja in žvepla (tehnologija Low SAPS), je to mazivo prva izbira za optimalno obratovanje motorjev najnovejše generacije, ki so opremljeni z napravami proti onesnaževanju. To motorno olje je primerno tudi za najzahtevnejše vozne razmere (športna vožnja, večkratni zagoni, mestna vožnja in vožnja po avtocesti). Njegova posebna formulacija je odporna na najbolj ekstremna nihanja obratovalne temperature.
Motorno olje, posebej formulirano za dizelske in bencinske motorje vozil skupine BMW (uporaba v bencinskih motorjih je omejena le na evropske države). Zagotavlja učinkovitost v najzahtevnejših voznih razmerah (mestni promet, cesta, avtoceste). Primerno je za vse vrste vožnje, zlasti za športno, hitro in za celoletno vožnjo. Zaradi nizke vsebnosti fosforja, sulfatnega pepela in žvepla je ustrezen za zaščito sistemov za naknadno obdelavo, s čimer se zmanjšujejo emisije onesnaževal.
Primerno za bencinske motorje proizvajalca Hyundai-Kia Motors Coproration. Lahko se uporablja v najtežjih obratovalnih razmerah (avtoceste, gost mestni promet) in za vse vozne sloge, zlasti športno vožnjo ne glede na letni čas.
Based on a formula most often used by HYUNDAI & KIA MOTORS for diesel vehicles in its European and South Korean plants. Suitable for all conditions of use, from normal to harsh (door-to-door, sports driving, repeated start-ups, city and motorway driving, among others). Particularly suited for diesel engines equipped with or without particulate filters. Post-treatment systems for KIA and HYUNDAI diesel engines are also protected over the long-term thanks to the "Low SAPS" formulation (low content of sulphated ash, phosphorus and sulphur contents).
The new generation of Low SAPS engine oil specially formulated to meet the technical requirements of vehicles manufactured by Mercedes-Benz. Its very high-tech performance optimises the way in which anti-pollution systems - such as Particulate Filters - operate. Motor oil suitable for all gasoline and Diesel engines, including the most recent, which comply with Euro VI polluting emissions reduction norms in particular. The post-treatment systems, sensitive to the lubricants used and expensive to maintain, are also protected over the long-term thanks to the "Low SAPS" formulation. Dedicated for the most severe conditions of use (sports driving, repeated start-ups, city and motorway driving).
High-performance advanced synthetic technology engine oil for Kia Gasoline and DPF-equipped Diesel engines.
Synthetic technology Oil for gasoline and Diesel engines equipped with post-treatment systems, Formulated using a set of additives with carefully selected performance and proportions to answer to the quality standards of the Association of the European Manufacturers.
Advanced synthetic technology engine oil providing optimal protection against wear and deposits. Perfectly adapted to downsized engines with turbo. Outstanding LSPI protection properties.
TOTAL QUARTZ INEO XTRA HKR C5 0W-20 is an advanced synthetic engine oil of superior performance designed for the latest generation of Diesel and Gasoline engines of premium car manufacturers. TOTAL QUARTZ INEO XTRA HKR C5 0W-20 meets the latest API SP and ILSAC GF6 sequences, providing protection against LSPI (Low Speed Pre-ignition). The innovative formulation of TOTAL QUARTZ INEO XTRA HKR C5 0W-20 is especially recommended by Kia Motors.
Quartz 9000 HKR GF6A 0W-30 is an advanced synthetic technology engine oil that provides ultimate protection against wear and deposits.
TOTAL QUARTZ 9000 XTRA HKR GF6A 0W-20 is an advanced synthetic technology engine oil that provides ultimate protection against wear and deposits.
Quartz 9000 HKR 5W-30 is an advanced synthetic engine oil suitable for all gasoline engines developped by Hyundai-Kia Motors Coproration; and recommended by Kia.