Zobniki, ki so izpostavljeni zelo težkim obremenitvam in visokim temperaturam v zahtevnih okoljih. Zobniki za vetrne turbine.
Zobniki, ki so izpostavljeni zelo težkim obremenitvam in visokim temperaturam v zahtevnih okoljih. Zobniki za vetrne turbine.
Industrial transmissions with a high slip rate. Spur gears and worm screws. Gears operating at very high temperatures. Non-miscible with mineral oils and certain synthetic lubricants.
Industrial transmissions with a high slip rate. Spur gears and worm screws. Gears operating at very high temperatures. Non-miscible with mineral oils and certain synthetic lubricants.
Industrial transmissions with a high slip rate. Spur gears and worm screws. Gears operating at very high temperatures. Non-miscible with mineral oils and certain synthetic lubricants.