TOTAL DYNATRANS ACX 10W v hidravličnih sistemih rudarskih, gradbenih strojev in strojev za zemeljska dela.
High performance lubricant specially developped to be used in Powershift gearboxes of Mining, Earthmoving and Construction machinery.
TOTAL DYNATRANS ACX 10W-30 is a specific lubricant adapted to hydraulic systems and gearboxes (Powershift or mechanical) when the manufacturer recommends a fluid meeting CAT TO-4 or one of the above mentioned specifications.
A multi- function lubricant developed for Public Works, Mining and Quarry equipments to lubricate the Diesel engines according to the TIER 1, TIER 2 or TIER 3 (Euro 111a) standards.
Zelo visoko učinkovito mazivo z nizko vsebnostjo sulfatnega pepela, fosforja in žvepla (tehnologija Low SAPS), posebej zasnovano za mazanje materialov, ki se uporabljajo v zemeljskih delih, rudnikih ali kamnolomih, s čimer se zagotavlja precejšnja gospodarnost v prizadevanju za zmanjšanje porabe goriva.
High performance lubricant for hydraulic systems of Mining, Earthmoving and Construction machinery and transmission components (axles or gearboxes) equipped with specific brake friction discs, used in very low ambient temperature.
Uporablja se za mazanje dizelskih motorjev najnovejše generacije, kot tudi v vseh hidravličnih sistemih in menjalnikih. Zaradi visokega indeks viskoznosti se lahko uporablja ne glede na letni čas. Omogoča občutno zmanjšanje števila maziv, potrebnih za vzdrževanje celotnega voznega parka.
Lubricates the Diesel engines of latest generation, applies in all hydraulic systems, lubricates the gearboxes. This product can also be used in all seasons due to its high viscosity index. Allows to strongly decrease the lubricant number needed for the whole vehicle park maintenance