TotalEnergies A-GREASE FIL EP 2
Razpon :-
Tržni segment(i) :Letalstvo, Jeklo, Kmetijstvo / Vrtnarstvo, Obdelava kovin, Energetika, Kemikalije, Proizvodnja hrane, Tekstil, Lesna in papirna industrija, Cement in materiali, Rudarstvo
Aplikacija(e) :Zaščita, Splošna uporaba, Drsna steza, Valjčni ležaji
Viskoznost :-
Opis izdelka:
A-Grease Fil EP 2 is a multi purpose grease, specially formulated for lubrication of plainbearing, roll bearings and universal joints submitted to severe use conditions (applicationswith shocks, loads, water or dust).

A-Grease Fil EP 2 is particularly suitable for applications in agriculture in wet or dry, dusty or not operating conditions
Standardi in odobritve
Mednarodne klasifikacije
  1. 2
  2. DIN 51502 KP2K-25
  3. ISO 6743-9:L-XBCEB 2
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