High performance oil dedicated to transmissions of Agricultural & Public Works machinery.
Sintetičko motorno ulje s tehnologijom ELF za motore Renault & Dacia.
Sintetičko motorno ulje s tehnologijom ELF.
SERIOLA AB prikladno je za grijanje, kontrolu temperature u svim industrijama, a posebice za sljedeće proizvodne procese: - proizvodnja vodene pare - papirna - drvna - tekstilna - naftna i plinska
TOTAL QUARTZ INEO FIRST 0W-20 je sintetičko motorno ulje, formulirano i korišteno za tvorničko punjenje, te naknadno punjenje nakon prodaje PSA PEUGEOT CITROEN.
Motorno ulje sintetičke tehnologije.
Engine oil developed for all Gasoline engines (multi-valve, turbocharger, with or without catalysts) and all recent Diesel engines - with or without turbo for use on light passenger and commercial vehicles without particulate filters.It Can be used for all journey types (in towns, as well as on major roads and motorways), and is especially suitable for the most demanding service conditions. It is suited to every driving style, especially sporty and high-speed. Suitable for all engines requiring GM-LL-A/B - 025 performance level.
TOTAL CLASSIC C1 5W-30 is a synthetic technology oil for gasoline and Diesel engines with post-treatment systems. It is formulated using a set of additives with carefully selected performance and proportions to answer to the quality standards of the Association of the European Manufacturers.
Synthetic technology OIL for gasoline and Diesel engines equipped with post-treatment systems, Formulated using a set of additives with carefully selected performance and proportions to answer to the quality standards of the Association of the European Manufacturers.
Synthetic technology oil for gasoline and Diesel engines used in vehicles with post-treatment systems., Formulated using a set of additives with carefully selected performance and proportions to answer to the quality standards of the Association of the European Manufacturers.
Ulja s oznakom Low SAPS posebno su razvijena za motore koji se upotrebljavaju u traktorima i poljoprivrednoj opremi, sa ili bez dizelskih filtara čestica. Učinkovito podmazivanje vrućih dijelova motora tijekom razdoblja teškog i dugotrajnog rada, čak i ljeti. Napredna formula ulja TOTAL TRACTAGRI HDZ 15W-40 s oznakom Low SAPS pomaže u sprječavanju začepljenja dizelskog filtra čestica (DPF i produljenje trajanje sustava nakon obrade.
Single grade mineral lubricants, suitable for hydraulic circuits, engines and gearboxes of trucks, agricultural equipment, earthmoving or quarries machinery.