Motorno ulje tehnologije niske emisije (Low SAPS) posebno razvijeno za motore koji se upotrebljavaju u traktorima i poljoprivrednoj opremi sa ili bez dizelskog filtra za čestice. Njegova tehnologija ekonomičnosti potrošnje goriva pomaže uštedjeti do 4 % goriva u usporedbi s mazivom gradacije viskoznosti SAE 40. Ova vrijednost može dosegnuti do 6 % ako se upotrebljava u kombinaciji s mazivom za mjenjače koje doprinosi ekonomičnosti potrošnje goriva TOTAL DYNATRANS VX FE.
Motorno ulje tehnologije niske emisije (Low SAPS) posebno razvijeno za motore koji se upotrebljavaju u traktorima i poljoprivrednoj opremi sa ili bez dizelskog filtra za čestice.
Ulja s oznakom Low SAPS posebno su razvijena za motore koji se upotrebljavaju u traktorima i poljoprivrednoj opremi, sa ili bez dizelskih filtara čestica. Učinkovito podmazivanje vrućih dijelova motora tijekom razdoblja teškog i dugotrajnog rada, čak i ljeti. Napredna formula ulja TOTAL TRACTAGRI HDZ 15W-40 s oznakom Low SAPS pomaže u sprječavanju začepljenja dizelskog filtra čestica (DPF i produljenje trajanje sustava nakon obrade.
RUBIA WORKS 4000 10W-40 is especially suitable for engines used in Off-Road activities (quarries, construction, mining, railroads…) requesting API CK-4 or CJ-4 level. Thanks to its numerous approvals, it can be used also in "On-road" truck engines. This lubricant withstands very long working periods under severe conditions and high load, with dust and heat
TOTAL RUBIA WORKS 4000 FE 10W-30 is especially suitable for engines used in earthmoving activities (quarries, construction, mining…) requesting API CK-4 or CJ-4 level. Furthermore, thanks to its numerous approvals, it can be used also in "On-road" truck engines. This lubricant withstands very long working periods under severe conditions and high load, with dust and heat
Motorno ulje s niskim udjelom SAPS visokih performansi za industrijske dizelske motore.
Synthetic low-SAPS lubricant with Fuel Economy technology for diesel engines in marine.
Low-SAPS oil offering an opportunity of ultimate rationalization for Agricultural machinery
Low-SAPS rationalization oil with Fuel Economy Technology for Agricultural machinery.
RUBIA WORKS 5000 10W-40 is especially suitable for engines used in earthmoving activities (quarrying, constructions, mining…). This lubricant withstands very long working periods under severe conditions and high load, with dust and heat.
Synthetic technology low-SAPS lubricant oil based on the latest API CK 4 specification, suitable for use in all on-road diesel and gas heavy-duty engines.