TotalEnergies CAPRANO MT 30
Produktserie :CAPRANO
Markedssegment(er) :Søfart og fritidsfartøj
Anvendelse :4-takts motorolie
Viskositet :SAE 30
Produkt beskrivelse:
Caprano MT 30 offers excellent thermal stability and oxidation resistance, guaranteeing effective engine lubrication in severe conditions.

Outstanding detergent, dispersant and anti-wear properties keep the engine clean and enable effective control of soot, sludge and piston deposits.

It exhibits important alkaline reserve to neutralize acid compounds coming from the combustion.

Its anti-wear and anti-corrosion additives ensure longer engine and transmission durability.
Standarder og godkendelser
Internationale klassifikationer
  1. ACEA E7
  2. API CF
  3. API CI-4
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