Closed circuits without air contact. Numerous manufacturing processes in agrifood industry: water baths, autoclaves, reactors, ovens, presses and moulds.
Lubrification of ethylene (hyper-)compressors cylinders for the production of low density polyethylene and EVA.
Severe temperature conditions and high loads. Gears, slideways, plain bearings and (roller) bearings.
Lubrification of ethylene (hyper-)compressors cylinders for the production of low density polyethylene.
Severe temperature conditions and high loads. Gears, slideways, plain bearings and (roller) bearings.
Severe temperature conditions and high loads. Gears, slideways, plain bearings and (roller) bearings.
Severe temperature conditions and high loads. Gears, slideways, plain bearings and (roller) bearings.
Full synthetic, extreme-pressure, high performance grease. Suitable for high speeds applications, heavy loads with very wide temperature range required. Recommended for pelleting machines.
Full synthetic, extreme-pressure, high performance grease. Suitable for low and medium speeds applications. Good lubrication properties under severe conditions and high loads. N Recommended for pelleting machines.
Full synthetic, extreme-pressure, high performance grease. Good lubrication properties under severe conditions and high loads. Recommended for pelleting machines.
Hydraulic systems operating under severe conditions.
Hydraulic systems operating under severe conditions.
Hydraulic systems operating under severe conditions.
Hydraulic systems operating under severe conditions.
Very low viscosity fluid for cleaning and flushing, suitable for incidental food contact.
Gears, gear pumps, chains and conveyor belts.
Gears, gear pumps, chains and conveyor belts.
Gears, gear pumps, chains and conveyor belts.
Gears, gear pumps, chains and conveyor belts.
Gears, gear pumps, chains and conveyor belts.
Gears, gear pumps, chains and conveyor belts.
Gears, gear pumps, chains and conveyor belts.
Hydraulic systems and particularly those operating at low temperatures.
Hydraulic systems and particularly those operating at low temperatures.
Hydraulic systems and particularly those operating at low temperatures.
Hydraulic systems and particularly those operating at low temperatures.
Hyper-compressor cylinders. For the production of EDA.