TotalEnergies PLANETELF ACD 32
Market segment(s) :Hàng không, Thép, Gia công kim loại, Năng lượng, Hóa chất, Chế biến thực phẩm, Dệt, Sản xuất ô tô, Gỗ và giấy, Xi măng và vật liệu, Khai thác mỏ
Application(s) :Nén
Viscosity :ISO VG 32
Product description:
ASHRAE thermal stability tests confirm the excellent behavior of the lubricant at high temperature in presence of refrigerant, water and metallic components.

Neutral behaviour with the refrigerating equipments (Anti-rust, anti-corrosion properties with copper metals, compatibility with varnishes, elastomers and paints, high resistance to hydrolysis)

Low dilution of refrigerant in oil for the high viscosity grades (PLANETELF ACD FY range), for good lubricity and oil separation properties (low carry-over)

The good miscibility of the fluid viscosities of PLANETELF ACD allows a good oil return property, specially in dry-ex equipments.
Standards & approvals
International classifications
  1. ISO 6743-3 DRD
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