Смазване на ротационни компресори на въглеводородни газове - втечнени петролни газове или втечнени природни газове като:
Бутални въздушни компресори, ротационни компресори и турбокомпресори за високо налягане.
Ротационни винтови въздушни компресори.
Lubrification of ethylene (hyper-)compressors cylinders for the production of low density polyethylene.
One-through" lubrication of (hyper-) compressor cylinders for the production of polyethylene and EVA copolymer process. It has been designed in order to avoid sludges formation and reach very high level of pumpabillity.One-through" lubrication of (hyper-) compressors compatible with polyethylene and EVA copolymer process. PX 6060 has been formulated to avoid sludges formation. PX 6060can reached very high level of pumpabillity.
Lubrification of ethylene (hyper-)compressors cylinders for the production of low density polyethylene and EVA.