TOTAL HI-PERF 4T 300 is a quality 4-stroke engine oil for motorcycles which provides great lubrication and protection to all vital parts of the engine. This results in trouble-free performance of the engine between recommended drain intervals.
Super Tractor Oil Universal for diesel engines & transmissions of Agricultural machinery.
Моторно масло, предназначено за турбо или атмосферни дизелови двигатели, отговарящи на европейския стандарт Stage I и II (2002) и американския стандарт EPA Tier 1 и 2. Препоръчва се за механични трансмисии, снабдени със спирачки в маслена вана, хидравлични повдигателни и помощни системи, силоотводни валове и многодискови съединители, работещи в масло, и хидростатични кормилни системи.
Мултифункционално масло, адаптирано за смазване на различни системи на селскостопански машини.
Universal mineral lubricant for diesel engines recommended for all turbocharged or naturally-aspirated diesel engines of commercial vehicles (trucks, buses, vans, pick-ups, taxis...), public works equipments and locomotives requiring API CF performance.
Universal mineral lubricant for diesel engines recommended for all turbocharged or naturally-aspirated diesel engines of commercial vehicles (trucks, buses, vans, pick-ups, taxis...), public works equipments and locomotives requiring API CF performance.
Universal mineral lubricant for diesel engines recommended for all turbocharged or naturally-aspirated diesel engines of commercial vehicles (trucks, buses, vans, pick-ups, taxis...), public works equipments and locomotives requiring API CF performance.
Universal mineral lubricant for diesel engines recommended for all turbocharged or naturally-aspirated diesel engines of commercial vehicles (trucks, buses, vans, pick-ups, taxis...), public works equipments and locomotives requiring API CF performance.
Universal mineral lubricant for diesel engines recommended for all turbocharged or naturally-aspirated diesel engines of commercial vehicles (trucks, buses, vans, pick-ups, taxis...), public works equipments and locomotives requiring API CF performance.
Universal mineral lubricant for diesel engines recommended for all turbocharged or naturally-aspirated diesel engines of commercial vehicles (trucks, buses, vans, pick-ups, taxis...), public works equipments and locomotives requiring API CF performance.
Universal mineral lubricant for diesel engines recommended for all turbocharged or naturally-aspirated diesel engines of commercial vehicles (trucks, buses, vans, pick-ups, taxis...), public works equipments and locomotives requiring API CF performance.
Високоефективен лубрикант за дизелови двигатели за хидравлични приложения.