Високоефективна синтетична спирачна течност, формулирана специално за хидравлични спирачни системи с цел да осигури безопасно спиране при много тежки условия.
Synthetic brake fluid recommended for brake and clutch systems in all vehicles employing a synthetic fluid where the DOT 4 standard is required.
Hydraulic fluid recommended for brake circuits in all vehicles using synthetic fluids where DOT 5.1 level is required and especially for vehicles operating in very severe conditions. It is used in competition. Miscible with other synthetic fluids of chemical type such as DOT 3,DOT 4 and DOT 5.1. Not miscible with mineral base fluids of LHM type and fluids of DOT 5 type with silicon.
TOTAL HI-PERF 4T 300 is a quality 4-stroke engine oil for motorcycles which provides great lubrication and protection to all vital parts of the engine. This results in trouble-free performance of the engine between recommended drain intervals.
TOTAL HI-PERF 4T 300 is a quality 4-stroke engine oil for motorcycles which provides great lubrication and protection to all vital parts of the engine. This results in trouble-free performance of the engine between recommended drain intervals.
4 Actions to maximize the durability of your bike: • Protection against harmful piston deposits • Protection against gear pitting and wear • Protection against clutch slippage • Protection against thermo-oxidative attack
4 Actions to maximize the durability of your bike: • Protection against harmful piston deposits • Protection against gear pitting and wear • Protection against clutch slippage • Protection against thermo-oxidative attack
Coning oil for high speed raw white polyester transformation. Also relevant for polyamide. Used for DTY (Draw Textured Yarn) winding process.
Рязане, пресоване на алуминиеви ленти. За дебелина <1,5 мм.
Multi-purpose marine grease specially formulated for materials in contact with sea water.
Особено подходящо за използване в най-новите двигатели с намален размер, снабдени с технологии спри-тръгни", и в хибридни двигатели, изискващи такова много течно синтетично моторно масло. Адаптирано за широка гама от двигатели благодарение на пълната обратна съвместимост със спецификациите на API и ISLAC. Синтетично технологично моторно масло, което осигурява най-добрата защита срещу износване и отлагания. Подходящо за най-взискателните условия на шофиране (от място до място, спортни стилове на шофиране, многократни стартирания, градско шофиране и шофиране на магистрала)."