Quartz Ineo Xtra First 0W-20 is an advanced synthetic engine oil, formulated and used for Stellantis (ex-PSA Group) factory fill and after sales.
Усъвършенствано синтетично технологично моторно масло, използвано от PSA PEUGEOT CITROEN като моторно масло при първо пълнене, и се препоръчва от PEUGEOT и CITROËN в следпродажбеното обслужване. Подходящо за използване в най-новите двигатели PSA, и по-специално в снабдените с e-HDI, използващо технологии спри-тръгни", и в хибридни двигатели, изискващи моторни масла от ново поколение. Моторното масло осигурява на двигателите най-добрата възможна защита срещу износване и запушване. Системите за последващо пречистване са защитени в дългосрочен план благодарение на формулата "с ниско съдържание на сулфатна пепел, фосфор и сяра". Използването на това моторно масло може да спомогне за реализиране на икономия на гориво без необходимост от смяна на стила на шофиране. Подходящо и за най-взискателните условия на шофиране (от място до място, спортно шофиране, многократни стартирания, градско шофиране, шофиране на магистрала и др.)"
Синтетично двигателно масло, специално формулирано да отговаря на техническите изисквания на автомобили, произведени от BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen и Hyundai Kia. Особено подходящ за модерни многоклапанни двигатели, оборудвани с турбокомпресори и директно впръскване. Неговата Low SAPS технология го прави предпочитано масло за оптимална работа на най-новото поколение двигатели, оборудвани с устройства против замърсяване. Това двигателно масло е подходящо за най-тежките условия на употреба (спортно шофиране, многократни стартирания, шофиране в града и магистрала). Специалната му формула издържа на най-екстремните промени в работната температура.
Quartz Ineo RCP 5W-30 is a high-performance advanced synthetic motor oil especially developed for the 1.5 BlueHDi (DV5R) diesel engines manufactured before February 2023 and the 1.2L PureTech (EB Turbo Euro 6.1) gasoline engines, as well as all Stellantis engines requiring a high-performance lubricant with Stellantis FPW9.55535/03, PSA B71 2290 or PSA B71 2297 approvals.
TOTAL QUARTZ 9000 COG SN Plus 0W-20 is a synthetic technology engine oil that provides maximum protection against wear and deposits.
High-performance advanced synthetic technology engine oil for Kia Gasoline and DPF-equipped Diesel engines.
ELF EVOLUTION FULL-TECH MSX 5W-30 is a very high performance lubricant using ELF Advanced Synthetic Technology, intended for lubrication of all Gasoline and Diesel car engines. ELF EVOLUTION FULL-TECH MSX 5W-30 was formulated to ensure compatibility with post-treatment systems. It is recommended for all recent engines, multivalve, and turbocharged, direct injection, with or without catalytic converter. It is particularly adapted to recent Mercedes-Benz and BMW vehicles equipped with a post-treatment systems, as well as to VW direct injection system. Suitable for the most difficult conditions of use (city, road, highway) and all dryving styles, particularly "vigorous" and high speeds.
ELF EVOLUTION FULL-TECH VSX 0W-20 is a very high performance lubricant using ELF Advanced Synthetic Technology intended for lubrication of Gasoline and Diesel car engines requiring SAE 0W-20 grade. ELF EVOLUTION FULL-TECH VSX 0W-20 was formulated to ensure compatibility with post-treatment systems. It meets the most recent ACEA and API standards and technical requirements of vehicles manufacturers like VOLKSWAGEN and PORSCHE.
ELF EVOLUTION FULL-TECH PCX 0W-30 is a very high performance lubricant using ELF Advanced Synthetic Technology intended for lubricating European Gasoline and Diesel car engines requiring 0W-30 SAE grade. ELF EVOLUTION FULL-TECH PCX 0W-30 was formulated to ensure compatibility with post-treatment systems. It is suitable for recent engines of Stellantis/PSA, and particularly the ones equipped with e-HDI using Stop & Start technologies, and hybrid engines which require new-generation engine oils.
ELF EVOLUTION FULL-TECH PCX FE 0W-20 is an advanced synthetic engine oil, formulated for Stellantis group vehicles maintenance. ELF EVOLUTION FULL-TECH PCX FE 0W-20 provides engine with the best possible protection against wear and clogging. The post-treatment systems, sensitive to the lubricants used and expensive to maintain, are also protected over the long-term thanks to the "Low SAPS" formulation (low content of sulphated ash, phosphorus and sulphur contents). It is also suitable for the most demanding driving conditions (door-to-door, sporty driving, repeated start-ups, city and motorway driving, etc.).
EVOLUTION FULL-TECH PCX 5W-30 is an ELF high-performance synthetic engine oil formulated for some Stellantis group specific engines maintenance. EVOLUTION FULL-TECH PCX 5W-30 has been developed for the 1.5 BlueHDi (DV5R) diesel engines, the 1.2L PureTech (EB2 Turbo Euro 6.1) and for LCV the 2.2L HDi (DW12) as well as all Stellantis engines requiring a high-performance lubricant with Stellantis FPW9.55535/03, PSA B71 2290 or PSA B71 2297 approvals.