Premium engine coolant concentrate based on Organic Additive Technology (OAT)
Антифриз с много дълъг живот на основата на моноетилен гликол с висока чистота и органични корозионни инхибитори. Когато се смеси с подходящо количество вода, се превръща в охлаждаща течност, препоръчана за всички двигатели с вътрешно горене в автомобили и микробуси, камиони, строителни машини и селскостопански трактори.
TOTAL COOLELF SI-OAT is a "very-long-life" coolant made of monoethylene glycol.cavitation, corrosion and overheatingTOTAL COOLELF SI-OAT has fast, effective protective properties. It provides a high level of protection against damage caused by freezing,TOTAL COOLELF SI-OAT coolant is especially recommended for certain ICEs both for light vehicles (MB and VW group Euro 6 engines), heavy vehicles (MB, MAN, Scania and Cummins Euro 6 engines), public works machinery (Liebherr Euro 6 engines) and agricultural tractors (MTU Claas engines).
TOTAL GLACELF SI-OAT is a "very-long-life" antifreeze made of monoethylene glycol.TOTAL GLACELF SI-OAT has fast, effective protective properties. It provides a high level of protection against damage caused by freezing, cavitation, corrosion and overheatingTOTAL GLACELF SI-OAT antifreeze must be mixed with a suitable quantity and quality of water to be used as a coolant. This product is especially recommended for certain ICEs both for light vehicles (MB and VW group Euro 6 engines), heavy vehicles (MB, MAN, Scania and Cummins EURO 6 engines), public works machinery (Liebherr Euro 6 engines) and agricultural tractors (MTU Claas engines).
Охлаждаща течност, подходяща за всички охладителни системи на двигатели с вътрешно горене в леки автомобили, фургони, камиони, автобуси, строителни машини и селскостопански трактори..
111 Охлаждаща течност, подходяща за всички охладителни системи на двигатели с вътрешно горене в леки автомобили, фургони, камиони, автобуси, строителни машини и селскостопански трактори..
TOTAL GLACELF ECO BS е концентрирана органична охлаждаща течност на основата на моноетилен гликол и избрани органични инхибитори и не съдържа боракс, амини, нитрити или фосфати.
TOTAL COOLELF ECO BS is a ready to use organic coolant based on mono ethylene glycol and selected organic inhibitors and contains no borax, amines, nitrites or phosphates. This product is recommended for use all cooling systems of internal combustion engines
Premium ready to use engine coolant based on Organic Additive Technology (OAT)
Premium ready to use engine coolant based on Organic Additive Technology (OAT)