Усъвършенствано синтетично технологично моторно масло, използвано от PSA PEUGEOT CITROEN като моторно масло при първо пълнене, и се препоръчва от PEUGEOT и CITROËN в следпродажбеното обслужване. Подходящо за използване в най-новите двигатели PSA, и по-специално в снабдените с e-HDI, използващо технологии спри-тръгни", и в хибридни двигатели, изискващи моторни масла от ново поколение. Моторното масло осигурява на двигателите най-добрата възможна защита срещу износване и запушване. Системите за последващо пречистване са защитени в дългосрочен план благодарение на формулата "с ниско съдържание на сулфатна пепел, фосфор и сяра". Използването на това моторно масло може да спомогне за реализиране на икономия на гориво без необходимост от смяна на стила на шофиране. Подходящо и за най-взискателните условия на шофиране (от място до място, спортно шофиране, многократни стартирания, градско шофиране, шофиране на магистрала и др.)"
Low SAPS advanced synthetic technology motor oil especially designed for PEUGEOT and CITROËN engines. Its very high-tech performance generates Fuel Savings and optimises the way in which anti-pollution systems - such as Particulate Filters - operate. Special second-generation Fuel Savings lubricant: can be used with all Diesel engines - older ones, as well as more recent ones and also suitable for use with most petrol engines.
Based on a formula most often used by HYUNDAI & KIA MOTORS for diesel vehicles in its European and South Korean plants. Suitable for all conditions of use, from normal to harsh (door-to-door, sports driving, repeated start-ups, city and motorway driving, among others). Particularly suited for diesel engines equipped with or without particulate filters. Post-treatment systems for KIA and HYUNDAI diesel engines are also protected over the long-term thanks to the "Low SAPS" formulation (low content of sulphated ash, phosphorus and sulphur contents).
TOTAL QUARTZ INEO FDE 0W-30 с технология за устойчивост на остаряване е силно заредена формула, подсилваща антиокислителните свойства на моторното масло, предлагайки подобрена защита срещу образуването на утайки, корозия и износване, причинено от триене. Това високоефективно синтетично моторно масло от най-ново поколение с изключителни свойства за икономия на гориво е подходящо за бензинови и дизелови двигатели от най-ново поколение, отговарящи на нормите EURO V и EURO VI. TOTAL QUARTZ INEO FDE 0W-30 е формулирано специално за да отговори на най-строгите изисквания на най-новите FORD дизелови двигатели, изискващи лубрикант 0W-30 и спецификациия WSS-M2C950-A.
High-performance advanced synthetic technology engine oil for Kia Gasoline and DPF-equipped Diesel engines.
Quartz Ineo R-Plus 5W-30 with ART (Age Resistance Technology) is an advanced formula which fortifies the anti-oxidation properties of the engine oil offering therefore high protection against sludge formation.
The new generation of Low SAPS engine oil specially formulated to meet the technical requirements of vehicles manufactured by Mercedes-Benz. Its very high-tech performance optimises the way in which anti-pollution systems - such as Particulate Filters - operate. Motor oil suitable for all gasoline and Diesel engines, including the most recent, which comply with Euro VI polluting emissions reduction norms in particular. The post-treatment systems, sensitive to the lubricants used and expensive to maintain, are also protected over the long-term thanks to the "Low SAPS" formulation. Dedicated for the most severe conditions of use (sports driving, repeated start-ups, city and motorway driving).
ELF EVOLUTION FULL-TECH C2 5W-30 is a very high performance lubricant using ELF Advanced Synthetic Technology intended for lubrication of passenger car engines. ELF EVOLUTION FULL-TECH C2 5W-30 was developed to ensure compatibility with post-treatment systems. It is suitable for all new diesel engines that meet Euro V and Euro VI emission reduction standards. Particularly suitable for newer vehicles equipped with a particulate filter. Suitable for the most difficult conditions of use (city, road, highway) and all dryving styles, especially sporty and high-speed in all seasons.
ELF EVOLUTION FULL-TECH DTX 5W-30 is a very high performance lubricant using ELF Advanced Synthetic Technology, intended for lubrication of all Gasoline and Diesel car engines. ELF EVOLUTION FULL-TECH DTX 5W-30 was formulated to ensure compatibility with MERCEDES BlueTEC Euro VI system. It is recommended for all recent engines, multivalve, and turbocharged, direct injection, with or without catalytic converter. Particularly adapted to recent Mercedes-Benz and Opel/Vauxhall vehicles equipped with a post-treatment system. It is suitable for all journeys (in town, on highways or motorways) and particularly adapted for use in severe conditions. For all driving styles, particularly "vigorous" and high speeds.
ELF EVOLUTION FULL-TECH FDX 0W-30 is a very high performance lubricant using ELF Advanced Synthetic Technology, specially formulated to meet stringent requirements of the latest FORD diesel engines requiring 0W-30 lubricant and and the specification of WSS-M2C950-A. ELF EVOLUTION FULL-TECH FDX 0W-30 is suitable for the latest generation of Gasoline and Diesel engines respecting the EURO V and EURO VI norms. Suitable for the most difficult conditions of use (city, road, highway) and all dryving styles, especially sporty and high-revs in all seasons.
EVOLUTION FULL-TECH R 5W-30 is a very high performance lubricant using ELF Advanced Synthetic Technology specially formulated to meet Renault & Dacia latest requirements. EVOLUTION FULL-TECH R 5W-30 is compatible with latest post-treatment systems: DPF, GPF, SCR, NOx-Trap. It guarantees its efficiency to allow better and sustainable air quality respect.
ELF обедини ноу-хауто си, за да разработи този синтетичен високоефективен продукт. Предназначен да отговори на спецификациите на двигатели RENAULT, DACIA и ALPINE.
ELF EVOLUTION FULL-TECH PCX 0W-30 is a very high performance lubricant using ELF Advanced Synthetic Technology intended for lubricating European Gasoline and Diesel car engines requiring 0W-30 SAE grade. ELF EVOLUTION FULL-TECH PCX 0W-30 was formulated to ensure compatibility with post-treatment systems. It is suitable for recent engines of Stellantis/PSA, and particularly the ones equipped with e-HDI using Stop & Start technologies, and hybrid engines which require new-generation engine oils.