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VW 502.00
14 продукти
QUARTZ 9000 5W-40 visual
QUARTZ 9000 5W-40

Синтетично технологично моторно масло за бензинови и дизелови двигатели на леки автомобили, особено подходящ за турбо, многоклапанни и дизелови двигатели с директно впръскване. Това моторно масло може да се използва при много трудни условия на работа (магистрали, натоварен градски трафик) и е подходящо за всякакви стилове на шофиране, особено за спортно или интензивно шофиране, и през всички сезони. То е напълно подходящо за двигатели с каталитични конвертори и всички двигатели, използващи безоловно гориво или втечнен петролен газ.

EVOLUTION 900 NF 5W-40 visual

ELF EVOLUTION 900 NF 5W-40 is a very high performance lubricant using ELF Advanced Synthetic Technology intended for lubrication of Gasoline and Diesel car engines. ELF EVOLUTION 900 NF 5W-40 is recommended for all Gasoline engines (multivalve, turbocharged, with or without catalytic converter) and all Diesel engines – with or without turbocharging – in cars and light vans, which are not equipped with a Diesel Particulate Filter. It is suitable for all journeys (in town, on highways and motorways) and particularly adapted for use in severe conditions. For all driving styles, especially sporty and high-speed. Specially designed to meet the needs of the motor manufacturers regarding extended oil change intervals.

EVOLUTION 900 SXR 5W-40 visual

Много високоефективно синтетично технологично моторно масло с Elf, предназначено за смазване на всички дизелови или бензинови двигатели на автомобили. Препоръчва се за всички компресорни или атмосферни дизелови или бензинови двигатели в автомобили и леки микробуси. Подходящо за всякакви видове експлоатация, особено при много тежки условия. За всякакви стилове на шофиране, особено при висока скорост.

QUARTZ 7000 FGO 5W-40 visual
QUARTZ 7000 FGO 5W-40

Quartz 7000 FGO 5W-40 is a synthetic technology engine oil that has been developed to cover the most stringent requirements of both gasoline and diesel engines.

QUARTZ 9000 ENERGY 0W-30 visual

Синтетично технологично моторно масло за бензинови и дизелови двигатели на леки автомобили, особено подходящо за най-новите двигатели. Това моторно масло може да се използва при много трудни условия на работа (магистрали, натоварен градски трафик) и е подходящо за всякакви стилове на шофиране, по-специално за спортно или интензивно шофиране, и през всички сезони.

QUARTZ 9000 ENERGY 0W-40 visual

Синтетично технологично моторно масло, което отговаря на изискванията на новите спецификации ACEA A3/B4 и API SN/CF. Отговаря на най-новите изисквания за бензинови и дизелови двигатели, които не са снабдени с филтри за твърди частици. Моторно масло за първокласен избор, отговарящо на изискванията на широка гама от двигатели, разработени от голям брой различни производители, включително Mercedes-Benz, Smart, Porsche, Volkswagen, Audi, Seat и Skoda. Подходящо за нормални, както и за много взискателни условия на работа и през всички сезони.

QUARTZ 9000 ENERGY 5W-30 visual

Engine oil developed for all Gasoline engines (multi-valve, turbocharger, with or without catalysts) and all recent Diesel engines - with or without turbo for use on light passenger and commercial vehicles without particulate filters.It Can be used for all journey types (in towns, as well as on major roads and motorways), and is especially suitable for the most demanding service conditions. It is suited to every driving style, especially sporty and high-speed. Suitable for all engines requiring GM-LL-A/B - 025 performance level.

QUARTZ 9000 ENERGY 5W-40 visual

Synthetic technology engine oil for gasoline and Diesel engines (without particulate filters) of light passenger and commercial vehicles. It can be used for all journey types (dense urban traffic or motorways), and it is suited to every driving style, especially sporty and high-speed. Especially designed to meet manufacturers' requirements with regard to greater intervals between oil changes.

QUARTZ INEO MC3 5W40 visual

Synthetic engine oil specially formulated to meet the technical requirements of vehicles manufactured by Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen and Porsche. Particularly well suited to all recent multi-valve engines equipped with turbochargers and direct injection. Its Low SAPS technology makes it the lubricant of choice for optimal operation of the latest-engine generation equipped with anti-pollutant devices. This engine oil is suitable for the most severe conditions of use (door-to-door, sports driving, repeated start-ups, city and motorway driving). Its special formulation resists the most extreme variations in operating temperature.

EVOL. 900 DID 5W30 visual
EVOL. 900 DID 5W30

Very high performance synthetic based technology motor oil for Gasoline and Diesel car engines, and in particular for Volkswagen. New VW direct injection Diesel engines fitted with pump-injector.

EVOLUTION 900 FT 0W-30 visual

Моторно масло Elf по 100% синтетична технология, предназначено за смазване на бензинови и дизелови двигатели на леки автомобили, по-специално на най-новите двигатели. Задоволява и най-трудните условия на работа (в града, на път, на магистрала) и е подходящо за всякакви стилове на шофиране.

EVOLUTION 900 FT 0W-40 visual

ELF EVOLUTION 900 FT 0W-40 is 100% synthetic and very high performance lubricant based on ELF Advanced Synthetic Technology intended for lubrication of Gasoline and Diesel passenger car engines. ELF EVOLUTION 900 FT 0W-40 is suitable for all Gasoline and Diesel engines, especially for the most recent ones. It satisfies the most difficult operating conditions (city, road, motorway). It is appropriate for all driving styles, in particular sporty or intense driving, and for every season.

EVOLUTION 900 FT 5W-30 visual

Very high performance Elf synthetic technology motor oil intended for lubricating all Gasoline and Diesel car engines. Recommended for all recent engines (with or without catalytic converter) supercharged or not, in cars and light vans. Suitable for all journeys, and particularly in severe conditions, in all driving styles, vigorous and high speeds.

EVOLUTION 900 FT 5W-40 visual

ELF EVOLUTION 900 FT 5W-40 is a very high performance lubricant based on ELF Advanced Synthetic Technology intended for lubrication of Gasoline and Diesel passenger car engines. ELF EVOLUTION 900 FT 5W-40 is suitable for all Gasoline and Diesel engines. Suitable for all routes (city, road, motorway) and especially for use in severe conditions. For all driving styles, especially sporty and high-speed, and for every season.

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