Синтетично двигателно масло, специално формулирано да отговаря на техническите изисквания на автомобили, произведени от BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen и Hyundai Kia. Особено подходящ за модерни многоклапанни двигатели, оборудвани с турбокомпресори и директно впръскване. Неговата Low SAPS технология го прави предпочитано масло за оптимална работа на най-новото поколение двигатели, оборудвани с устройства против замърсяване. Това двигателно масло е подходящо за най-тежките условия на употреба (спортно шофиране, многократни стартирания, шофиране в града и магистрала). Специалната му формула издържа на най-екстремните промени в работната температура.
Quartz 9000 HKR 5W-30 is an advanced synthetic engine oil suitable for all gasoline engines developped by Hyundai-Kia Motors Coproration; and recommended by Kia.
Усъвършенствано синтетично технологично моторно масло, осигуряващо оптимална защита срещу износване и отлагания. Напълно адаптирано за двигатели с намален размер с турбо. Изключителни свойства за защита срещу нискоскоростно предварително запалване.
Quartz 9000 HKR GF6A 0W-30 is an advanced synthetic technology engine oil that provides ultimate protection against wear and deposits.
TOTAL QUARTZ 9000 XTRA HKR GF6A 0W-20 is an advanced synthetic technology engine oil that provides ultimate protection against wear and deposits.
The new generation of Low SAPS engine oil specially formulated to meet the technical requirements of vehicles manufactured by Mercedes-Benz. Its very high-tech performance optimises the way in which anti-pollution systems - such as Particulate Filters - operate. Motor oil suitable for all gasoline and Diesel engines, including the most recent, which comply with Euro VI polluting emissions reduction norms in particular. The post-treatment systems, sensitive to the lubricants used and expensive to maintain, are also protected over the long-term thanks to the "Low SAPS" formulation. Dedicated for the most severe conditions of use (sports driving, repeated start-ups, city and motorway driving).
TOTAL QUARTZ INEO XTRA HKR C5 0W-20 is an advanced synthetic engine oil of superior performance designed for the latest generation of Diesel and Gasoline engines of premium car manufacturers. TOTAL QUARTZ INEO XTRA HKR C5 0W-20 meets the latest API SP and ILSAC GF6 sequences, providing protection against LSPI (Low Speed Pre-ignition). The innovative formulation of TOTAL QUARTZ INEO XTRA HKR C5 0W-20 is especially recommended by Kia Motors.