Моторно масло с ниско съдържание на сулфатна пепел, фосфор и сяра от ново поколение, формулирано специално за да отговори на техническите изисквания на превозни средства Volkswagen Group. Много високата му технологична ефективност оптимизира начина, по който работят системите срещу замърсяването като филтри за твърди частици. Моторно масло, подходящо за всички бензинови и дизелови двигатели, включително най-новите, което отговаря по-специално на нормите за намаляване на замърсяването Euro V. Това моторно масло оптимизира системите срещу замърсяване, по-специално филтрите за твърди частици. Предназначено за най-тежки условия на работа (спортно шофиране, многократни стартирания, градско шофиране и шофиране на магистрала).
Синтетично моторно масло, формулирано специално за да отговори на техническите изисквания на производителите на германски превозни средства. Особено подходящо за всички най-нови многоклапанни двигатели, снабдени с турбокомпресори и директно впръскване.
Високопроизводително моторно масло Elf Fuel Economy със синтетична технология, предназначено за смазване на двигатели на леки превозни средства. Специално формулиран, за да осигури съвместимост със системите за последваща обработка. Препоръчва се по-специално за дизелови двигатели, спазващи нормите EURO V и EURO VI за намаляване на емисиите. Особено адаптиран към последните автомобили на Renault, оборудвани с дизелов филтър за твърди частици. За всички стилове на шофиране, особено за „енергични и високи скорости."
Synthetic engine oil specially formulated to meet the technical requirements of vehicles manufactured by Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen and Porsche. Particularly well suited to all recent multi-valve engines equipped with turbochargers and direct injection. Its Low SAPS technology makes it the lubricant of choice for optimal operation of the latest-engine generation equipped with anti-pollutant devices. This engine oil is suitable for the most severe conditions of use (door-to-door, sports driving, repeated start-ups, city and motorway driving). Its special formulation resists the most extreme variations in operating temperature.
Very high performance synthetic based technology motor oil for Gasoline and Diesel car engines, and in particular for Volkswagen. New VW direct injection Diesel engines fitted with pump-injector.
ELF EVOLUTION FULL-TECH LLX 5W-30 is a very high performance lubricant using ELF Advanced Synthetic Technology, intended for lubrication of Gasoline and Diesel light vehicles engines. ELF EVOLUTION FULL-TECH LLX 5W-30 was formulated to ensure compatibility with post-treatment systems. It is recommended for all recent engines, multivalve, and turbocharged, direct injection, with or without catalytic converter. It is particularly adapted to recent Mercedes-Benz and BMW vehicles equipped with a post-treatment systems, as well as to VW direct injection system. Suitable for the most difficult conditions of use (city, road, highway) and all dryving styles, particularly "vigorous" and high speeds.
ELF EVOLUTION FULL-TECH LSX 5W-40 is a very high performance lubricant using ELF Advanced Synthetic Technology, intended for lubrication of Gasoline and Diesel car engines. ELF EVOLUTION FULL-TECH LSX 5W-40 was formulated to ensure compatibility with post-treatment systems. It is recommended for all recent engines, multivalve, and turbocharged, direct injection, with or without catalytic converter. It is particularly adapted to recent Mercedes-Benz and BMW vehicles equipped with a post-treatment systems, as well as to VW direct injection system. Suitable for the most difficult conditions of use (city, road, highway) and all dryving styles, particularly "vigorous" and high speeds.
QUARTZ INEO MC3 0W-40 is an advanced synthetic engine oil meticulously engineered to meet the stringent technical requirements of the latest Mercedes-Benz hybrid vehicles 'EQ BOOST'. This premium lubricant is specially crafted to optimize performance, providing superior protection and efficiency. Its unique formulation will support you whether you're navigating city traffic, cruising down motorways, or pushing the limits with spirited sports driving. This high-tech oil resists extreme temperature variations, ensuring your engine performs at its peak and receives the best protection in all climates. Our Low SAPS technology ensures compatibility with the latest emission control systems, maintaining optimal operation of anti-pollutant devices.